Meditation research is being carried out in different settings to understand the psychological and physiological changes that result from meditating. Different types of meditation are also studied under this context to gain insight into their efficacy, benefits and side effects, so that people can select the best for them.
Meditation research is done in different disciplines. Psychology is one of the discipline that has a long history of studying meditation. A research team in psychology has researched meditation and its effects on different areas of human behavior.
The studies differ in many ways. One study showed that while regular meditators experienced fewer mental disorders than non-meditators, they were more likely to have problems with substance abuse and other serious mental disorders. This is because regular meditators reported a lower level of stress than non-meditators. The study also showed that regular meditators also had an improved memory. Regular meditators also reported a decrease in stress and a higher sense of well-being.
Another study focused on physical health and found that those who meditated regularly had a lower risk of heart disease and stroke. People who meditate on a regular basis are less likely to smoke cigarettes or have an eating disorder. They also do not seem to be as likely to become overweight. However, more research is needed to determine whether meditation is effective in preventing obesity. Studies suggest that regular meditation is a good way to keep the weight off.
The studies conducted by the University of Iowa did not look at meditation effects on mental health. However, these studies do indicate that people who meditate regularly experience better concentration and mental alertness. People who meditate are also less likely to suffer from anxiety or depression. There is some evidence that meditation is a good way to improve sleep quality and quantity. Many studies show that regular meditation can help relieve depression. The study also concluded that regular meditation can help improve mental processes like concentration and recall and help the brain to function normally.
Many researchers are also looking for a way to study the effect of meditation on the immune system. There is no doubt that meditation will be able to reduce stress, and if it is combined with exercise and yoga, the benefits may be greater still.
Meditation research is still ongoing. Some people believe that the benefits of meditation are so great that it is impossible to isolate just one effect. It is possible to meditate, enjoy the process and reap many rewards. This does not mean that meditation is not beneficial, only that it depends on what type of person you are.
Research on meditation is also still ongoing. Research is also being conducted in the area of relaxation techniques. Research on relaxation techniques will give us more insight into how meditation can be beneficial for our everyday lives.